Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Business Environment of the Modern Day Society Research Paper

The Business Environment of the Modern Day Society - Research Paper Example Because of this transformation of the world, information from various corners of the world can be easily accessed by individuals and organizations without facing the problems of existence of a geographical barrier. The availability of various kinds of free data and other information content has automatically contributed in the rapid dispersion of various kinds of global trends. The fast maturity of markets around the world with response to the global trends resulted in creating unique demands from the consumers located in the developed as well as the developing markets. Business organization and companies in order to attain future growth in their areas of businesses increasingly try to focus on fulfilling the demand arising in the new as well as established markets located all over the world. However, before entering into a new market or trying to fulfil an existing or emerging demand in an already existent market, firms and organization often conduct external as well as internal env ironment analysis. While the internal analysis of the firms’ environment brings into focus the various advantages and disadvantages that are existent within the possibility of control of the firm, the external analysis outlines the positive and negative points that are beyond the controlling ability of the firm. Talking in a little detailed manner about the analysis of the external environment, it has to be said that the PEST analysis plays a very critical role. The PEST analysis comprises of evaluation of the external environment from the perspectives of political, economic, social and technological factors. It is important to mention that the PEST analysis is a highly effective tool for organizations that are looking forward to identify and control the weaker sides of the business environment so as to generate significant amount of potential leverage for their own product or service offerings (Henry 2). Talking more on the same note, it has to be said that by using the PEST analysis, the organizations look forward to capitalizing on their core competencies while addressing significant anomalies that might alter the balance existing in a competitive environment of business. It is relevant to mention the fact that when firms and organizations look forward to implementing a PEST analysis for analyzing and studying the current business environment, focus has to be given on a particular region on the basis of the firms’ product or service offerings. Also, an effective study of the business environment by the firm while using the PEST analysis will help the organization or firm to identify potential areas of business opportunity and threats (Ward and Daniel 28). Talking in a little elaborate manner about the factors that comprise of the PEST analysis, a brief description about each of the four factors has to be provided. While discussing the political factors, issues comprising of consumer protection law, contract and property rights, exchange rate p olicies, healthcare policies, political stability and trade regulations has to be taken into consideration. The economic factor will cover the analysis on the lines of availability and cost of workforce maintenance, growth factors of the economy, economic growth rate, rates of unemployment and inflation, stability of the exchange rate of the currency as well as existence and nature of the free market. While talking about the social factor of the PEST analysis, importance has to be given to issues like demographic factors, education, spirit of entrepreneurship as well as factor of wealth distribution. Finally while discussing about issues related to

Monday, October 28, 2019

Acknowledgement Examples Essay Example for Free

Acknowledgement Examples Essay * First and foremost, we would like to thank to our supervisor of this project, Miss Shyamala for the valuable guidance and advice. She inspired us greatly to work in this project. Her willingness to motivate us contributed tremendously to our project. We also would like to thank her for showing us some example that related to the topic of our project. Besides, we would like to thank the authority of Multimedia University (MMU) for providing us with a good environment and facilities to complete this project. Also, we would like to take this opportunity to thank to the Centre of Affiliated Diploma Programme (CADP) of Multimedia University (MMU) for offering this subject, Computing Project. It gave us an opportunity to participate and learn about the operation of flights ticket reservation. In addition, we would also like to thank Malaysia Airline System (MAS) which provide us valuable information as the guidance of our project. Finally, an honorable mention goes to our families and friends for their understandings and supports on us in completing this project. Without helps of the particular that mentioned above, we would face many difficulties while doing this * Apart from the efforts of myself, the success of any project depends largely on the encouragement and guidelines of many others. I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the people who have been instrumental in the successful completion of this project. I would like to show my greatest appreciation to Prof. James Geller. I cant say thank you enough for his tremendous support and help. I feel motivated and encouraged every time I attend his meeting. Without his encouragement and guidance this project would not have materialized. The guidance and support received from all the members who contributed and who are contributing to this project, was vital for the success of the project. I am grateful for their constant support and help. * I would like to gratefully acknowledge the enthusiastic supervision of Dr. Ali Rezazadeh during this work. I thank Prof. Garth Swanson for the technical discussions on the spectral response model and Dr. S. E. Kanellopoulos for the help with optical measurements and relevant discussions. Postgraduates of the Physical Electronics Research Group are thanked for numerous stimulating discussions, help with experimental setup and general advice; in particular I would like to acknowledge the help of Dr. Jim Luck for his support. Sean Wootton, Kevin Smith and Nick Nicola are thanked for their assistance with all types of technical problems at all times. I am grateful to all my friends from International Hall, University of London, for being the surrogate family during the many years I stayed there and for their continued moral support there after. From the staff, Donald Mann and Margaret Wilson are especially thanked for their care and attention. Finally, I am forever indebted to my parents and Anita for their understanding, endless patience and encouragement when it was most required. I am also grateful to Naela and Tanvir for their support.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Deception and Destruction of Purity in The Italian Essays -- Itali

The Deception and Destruction of Purity in The Italian Purity in the Gothic genre can be perceived from so many points of view. It involves sex, beauty, perception, and people's position in society. "The Italian" has many characters that behold either one or more of these traits. In this paper, we will explore how Ann Radcliffe uses purity and the deception and destruction of it to enhance her character's role in the Gothic genre. "The sweetness and fine expression of her voice attracted his attention to her figure, which had a distinguished air of delicacy and grace; but her face was concealed in her veil. (page 5)" From the very beginning of the book, Radcliffe lets us know that beauty and attraction will play an intricate part in the development of the story. But she also lets us know that it will not be an open perception, she hints toward an element of intrigue combined with the person's role that they play within society. Through the entire book, we find that Vivaldi is obsessed with the beauty of Ellena. Ellena appears to be so perfect and pure, Vivaldi can not help but to fall in love with her. Here sex and beauty themselves end up being the instigators of deception and destruction. As Vivaldi tries to get closer to Ellena, she seems to withdraw more and more into hiding. This creates an air of intrigue that makes Ellena more than irresistible to Vivaldi. This curiosity and intrigue that perplexes Vivaldi only becomes greater when he meets a mysterious monk on the road to Ellena's house. The monk warns Vivladi that he needs to stop his pursuit of Ellena and then he mysteriously disappears. So Vivaldi's intrigue that ends up being so deceptive and destructive, now exists on two levels with Ellena and the mon... as deceptive and destructive as they come. For one, she held Ellena prisoner for frivolous reasons. Two, she tried to force Ellena to take the vows of a nun. I also believed that Olivia was deceptive, she tricked the Abbess and helped Ellena escape. So you see, you can not always trust the stereotypes of society, because even the most sanctimonious and respectable people can be the masters of art in deception and destruction of what is right, good, and pure. All five elements of purity in the Gothic genre have been deceived and destroyed in more ways than one. So whatever ideas of purity that anybody had before reading Ann Radcliffe's "The Italian," they are now completely altered and set in an entirely different genre. Do not always believe what you hear or see because you never know what deceptive or destructive element might be lurking around the corner.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Refugee Displacement and Identity: Finding Home :: Essays Papers

Refugee Displacement and Identity: Finding Home When fleeing persecution, winning trust and welcome in a foreign land depends on the meaning of the label of displacement. According to Daniel, the making of modern refugee identity hinges on the right language affixed to your desperation, and right interpretation of this desperation by powerful authorities; proving modern identity can be a deadly game. Modern identity often takes shape in the blending of lines that weren’t supposed to blend. No matter how coded or enforced, labels never hold all of one’s identity in place. The lines bounding the identity of the refugee are determined by the UN, and dictate a system of values foreign to many would-be refugees. For the Tamil mother from Sri Lanka, individual status as a refugee does not make sense; she is connected to the bones of her son and the soil in which they lie in Canada (Daniel 278). Terms of individuality are relative in the cultural understanding of many displaced peoples: collective identity in family structure supercedes that dictated by Western nation states, though the argument for asylum depends upon cognizance of Western value systems. When lines of identity inevitably blend, relative jurisprudence must be exercised. Lines make excluding circles and methods of excluding people from asylum; our international community divides into unwelcome and welcome nations. As discourse, cultural identity means translating beliefs and feelings from one culture to another. In the process of translation, a screen of cultural values filters understanding of the values and experience of the â€Å"other.† The simple word â€Å"refugee† evokes images and stories particular to a collectively defined identity, invoking â€Å"an image of the radicalized other† (Daniel 272). Finding trust and cultural understanding is crucial in securing safe haven; the human category of refugee is inundated with hydrophobic metaphors and imagined â€Å"racial markers† delimitating the story of the refugee into numbers and race categories (271).

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Economic Roles of a Business Essay

A business is an organisation that attempts to satisfy the needs and wants of a community by providing goods and services, however, a business does not exist only to serve the community, it also exists to maximise the financial investments of their owners. This is done through the social and economical role of a business. Economic roles are concerned with the financial impacts that the activities of a business have on various groups in the business environment. The economic roles are wealth creation, employment and innovation. Social roles are focused on the impacts of a business on the community. Social Roles are entrepreneurship, choice and quality of life. Economic roles are important for a business as they can increase the value and funds via wealth creation, employment and innovation. Wealth creation is done by increasing sales and developing strategies to promote brand awareness and sales. This will increase the value of the funds that owners have invested in the business. Businesses also generate increased wealth for the community. The profits generated are then taxed by the government in order to fund essential services such as improving educational, health and transport facilities. Employment is where the owners of a business will employ other people to perform various activities within the business. The goods and services that businesses provide to the community are formed using knowledge, skills and effort of human resources, because of this, employment is an important function in business. The third economic role, innovation can be defined as the process of improving the features of a product. It could also apply to the production process where improved methods of production are implemented. The new methods may make use of fewer resources and result in increased output, which would benefit the business in many ways. In the business environment, innovation is crucial for a business to maintain its competitive advantage over other businesses. The social roles of a business impact communities by improving their quality of life, choice in products and providing entrepreneurship. The quality of life of a community is improved through the variety of products and services provided by businesses. Organisations spend millions of dollars each year in business research and development to find ways to improve the quality of life. Many of the products that businesses provide are wants and not needs; they are often aimed at providing greater convenience for those with a busy lifestyle. An example of this is pre-prepared meals. Through the production of these products, the financial investments of the owner of the business are maximised. Most businesses operate in a competitive market; this means there is a large number of competitors offering similar goods and services. This provides a range of choice for the consumers. This choice encourages businesses to provide their products and services at the lowest possible prices, with the highest quality. Choice also encourages a business to be innovative and different from their competitors so that their product will be the one chosen by the consumer and profits can be made. An entrepreneur is an individual who has developed particular ideas and is willing to take a risk to execute these ideas through a business. They take risks by thinking up strategies for their ideas to be successful; this is why they pursue different goals as part of the operation of business. Through business entrepreneurs are given an opportunity to make their ideas a reality. The economic and social roles of a business, wealth creation, employment, innovation, quality of life, choice and entrepreneurship, are important to maximise the financial investments of the owners, without them, a business would not thrive or gain profits.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How Research-Driven Marketing Generates Demand With Michele Linn

How Research-Driven Marketing Generates Demand With Michele Linn Can a well-researched piece of content from a single URL help bring in millions of views in just one year? The answer is, â€Å"Yes.† knows exactly how that feels. Researched content helps you drive 10X results that convert into profitable customer action. Today, we’re talking to Michele Linn, who knows everything about research-driven content marketing. She is the co-founder and chief strategy officer at Mantis Research. Michele has amazing advice to offer on how to succeed at content marketing. Research is crucial for content marketing; people want to find data that supports their thoughts and beliefs; become the authoritative source for some type of topic Examples of research include ’s State of Marketing Strategy Report, and research reports from Salesforce and Robert Half Find new ideas for your audience/niche by conducting a survey, or looking for a stat that people believe but is not backed up by data Audiences that care most about research-based content are those in a new industry to gain justification, and on social media that like to share stats Importance of research-driven content to prove or disprove something Targeting Topics: Is it something that’s interesting to your audience? Does it align with your brand’s story? Is there other research available on this topic? Research can be time consuming, about 4-6 months; but it is worth the effort Research can be a guiding force and the glue that holds your story and editorial strategy together Pitching researched content to justify time spent; what does client care about? Content to produce results; start out small, don’t do too much at once Tools and processes work well to gather research; try surveys and secondary research; determine sample size to be considered representative and valid Metrics to measure for success include media mentions, impressions of research, leads, downloads, email subscribers, and backlinks Research Process: 1) Strategy and planning, 2) Data science, 3) Compile data and turn into story, 4) Incorporate research into blogs, infographs, videos, etc. Links: Mantis Research Content Marketing Institute Ultimate Guide: How to Publish Survey-Based Research for Content Marketing State of Marketing Strategy Report Salesforce Robert Half Andy Crestodina DivvyHQ Andrea Fryrear SurveyGizmo Write and send a review to receive a care package If you liked today’s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play. Quotes by Michele Linn: â€Å"What we are trying to do with marketers is help them publish their own original research.† â€Å"Research is a real opportunity because you and your brand become the authoritative source for some type of topic.† â€Å"I think it can work for a lot of different industries, you just have to figure out what your audience truly cares about.† â€Å"When you have research, it really can be that guiding force and that glue that holds your whole story and your whole editorial strategy together.†

Monday, October 21, 2019

Computer Viruses Essays - Computer Viruses, Internet Security

Computer Viruses Essays - Computer Viruses, Internet Security Computer Viruses A computer virus is an illegal and potentially damaging computer program designed to infect other software by attaching itself to any software it contacts. In many cases, virus programs are designed to damage computer systems maliciously by destroying or corrupting data. If the infected software is transferred to or accessed by another computer system, the virus spreads to the other system. Viruses have become a serious problem in recent years, and currently, thousands of known virus programs exist (Reed 85-102). Three types of viruses are boot sector virus, file virus, and Trojan horse virus. A boot sector virus infects the boot program used to start the system. When the infected boot program executes, the virus is loaded into the computers memory. Once a virus is in a memory, it can spread to any floppy disk inserted into the computer. A file virus inserts virus code into program files. The virus then spreads to any program that accesses the infected file. A Trojan horse virus (named after a Greek myth) hides within or is designed to look like a legitimate program. Some viruses interrupt processing by freezing a computer system temporarily and then displaying sounds or messages. Other viruses contain time bombs or logic bombs. A time bomb is a program that performs an activity on a particular date. A logic bomb is a program that performs an activity when a certain action occurs, such as an employee being terminated. A worm, which is similar to a virus, copies itself repeatedly until no memory or disc space remains. To detect computer viruses, antivirus programs have been developed. Besides detecting viruses, antivirus programs also have utilities to remove or repair infected programs and files. Some damaged files cannot be repaired and must be replaced with uninfected backup files. The table below outlines some techniques used to protect computer systems. Table Techniques for Virus Protection and System Backup Using Virus Protection SoftwareBacking up Your System Install virus protection software on every computer system.Develop a regular plan for copying and storing important data and program files. Before use, scan every floppy disk with a virus scan program to check for viruses.Implement a backup plan and adhere to its guidelines. Check all programs downloaded from the Internet or bulletin boards for viruses.Keep backup copies of files in fireproof safes or vaults off-site. If your system becomes virus infected and you have questions, contact the National Computer Security Association (NCSA) for low-cost assistance (Elmhurst, 6 Nov. 1998). Chambers, Anita R., and Zachary W. Peters. "Protecting Against Virus Attacks."Computers May 1998: 45-62. Elmhurst, Mark. "Virus Infection: Where to Obtain Assistance"Word 97, Project 3. (6 Nov. 1998). Reed, Margaret E. An Introduction to Using Computers. Chicago: West Davidson Jones Publishing Company, 1998.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on Airborne Express Company Overview

Airborne Express Company Overview In a highly competitive industry the structure of a firm is very important to its success. Today firms are moving away from the centralized structure of the past, and adopting a more decentralized structure (Management Challenge in the 21st Century P 315). The air express industry is no exception. FedEx, the leader in the air express industry since the late eighties, is also leading U.P.S. in the race to becoming decentralized. Airborne Express, is not even in the race. In order to compete in today’s changing environment, Airborne Express needs to move away from it old fashion centralized structure and form a more decentralized structure. The old fashioned structure is not the only variable that makes Airborne the follower in the air express industry. The Internet and information systems are transforming the air express market into an electronic commerce market, and Airborne needs to transform its operations to meet this growing market. This report describes the strengths and weakness of the organizational structure of Airborne Express. Furthermore, it also gives recommendations for future changes in Airborne Express. The first section of this report addresses how the organization of the firm evolved, and what changes are taking place structurally in its industry. The second section discusses labor issues in the air express industry and how they affect Airborne Express. The Third section addresses the growing electronic commerce market and how it’s affecting the industry and Airborne Express. 1)Structure of Airborne Express During the eighties many air express companies were formed and many were destroyed. However, three companies came out of this highly competitive period on top. They were FedEx, U.P.S. and Airborne Express. Airborne survived this highly competitive period by adapting to the external forces affecting Airborne was the size of the competition. U.P.S. and Fe... Free Essays on Airborne Express Company Overview Free Essays on Airborne Express Company Overview Airborne Express Company Overview In a highly competitive industry the structure of a firm is very important to its success. Today firms are moving away from the centralized structure of the past, and adopting a more decentralized structure (Management Challenge in the 21st Century P 315). The air express industry is no exception. FedEx, the leader in the air express industry since the late eighties, is also leading U.P.S. in the race to becoming decentralized. Airborne Express, is not even in the race. In order to compete in today’s changing environment, Airborne Express needs to move away from it old fashion centralized structure and form a more decentralized structure. The old fashioned structure is not the only variable that makes Airborne the follower in the air express industry. The Internet and information systems are transforming the air express market into an electronic commerce market, and Airborne needs to transform its operations to meet this growing market. This report describes the strengths and weakness of the organizational structure of Airborne Express. Furthermore, it also gives recommendations for future changes in Airborne Express. The first section of this report addresses how the organization of the firm evolved, and what changes are taking place structurally in its industry. The second section discusses labor issues in the air express industry and how they affect Airborne Express. The Third section addresses the growing electronic commerce market and how it’s affecting the industry and Airborne Express. 1) Structure of Airborne Express During the eighties many air express companies were formed and many were destroyed. However, three companies came out of this highly competitive period on top. They were FedEx, U.P.S. and Airborne Express. Airborne survived this highly competitive period by adapting to the external forces affecting Airborne was the size of the competition. U.P.S. and Fe...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Children as Eyewitnesses Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7250 words

Children as Eyewitnesses - Research Paper Example According to the research findings the courtroom is the modern day battlefield. As lay persons, much of our experience with court trials is acquired from television shows and movies. While the actual study of law covers so many topics that may come across as routine and ordinary, such as the law on property and on personal relations, the law that is depicted in primetime media is always dramatic and suspenseful, and always in the field of criminal law. The climactic scenes would always have to do with the cross-examination of the crucial witness whom the clever lawyer would always get to reveal the truth with some masterful techniques in questioning. Courtroom procedure has strict rules which lawyers must follow in questioning witnesses. The obvious purpose is so that witnesses will not be tricked or intimidated into providing a misleading answer, and therefore to ensure that the testimony will lead to the truth. A clean line of questioning is also important in bringing out the whole truth, and not only a portion of it; a good lawyer will apply skill and strategy in tactfully getting the most hostile witness to testify to the truth despite the witness’s efforts to conceal it. Such techniques and procedures are designed for adults, however, and they may not be applicable when the witness to be interrogated is a child. Common knowledge tells us that children are prone to tell the truth as they perceive it, and do not resort to deceptive manoeuvres that adults are used to employing. On the other hand, common observation also tells us that children themselves are easily deceived, that sometimes suggestions by adults or people whom they trust colours their perception of what is true. Under certain circumstances, therefore, it is possible that truthful children may become unreliable eyewitnesses because of circumstances in and out of the courtroom. This study will determine to what extent children’s testimony as eyewitnesses can be re lied upon, and the precautions taken in legal procedure to ensure the integrity of their testimony. The paper will discuss about important elements in child development and psychology in order to understand better the way children think and act in various stages of their development. After that, the general law on the treatment and questioning of eyewitnesses shall be discussed, to establish the common practice in this legal procedure. After discussing the general approach, the special approach of interrogating a child as an eyewitness will be described and analysed. This will entail a comparison with the general approach and a discussion on the points where they differ. The conclusion shall follow thereafter. 2. Child development and psychology 2.1. Stages of child development Children’s minds function differently during different stages of the child’s development. This may well have a bearing on the manner by which children of various ages would be expected to act as witnesses. 2.1.1 Cognitive Development Theories Jean Piaget’s stages of cognitive development teaches that children think differently than adults, in that children play an active role in acquiring knowledge by actively seeking out and constructing their understanding of the world. Children are like scientists who build their theory about how things around them work, and try to interpret things in accordance with their theory, and revising their theory when the new experience does not fit.1 Table 1: Piaget’s Four Stages of Cognitive Development2 Stage Approximate Age Characteristics Sensorimotor Birth to 2 years Infant’s knowledge of the world is based on senses and motor skills; by the end of the period, uses mental representation. Preoperational thought 2 to 6 years Child learns how to use symbols such as words and numbers to represent aspects of the world but relates to the world only through his or her perspective. Concrete operational thought 7 years to early adolescence Chi ld understands and applies logical operators to experiences provided they are focused on the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Attitudes and Behavior in Psychology Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Attitudes and Behavior in Psychology - Thesis Example   Behavioral – which deals with action towards the attitude object. This is the execution of the attitude; the means through which a third party may administer or observe what the reaction has been. It is imperative to discuss the reaction component differently, because not all initial assumptions about attitude may yield the same result. (c) Cognitive – where beliefs about the attitude object are ascertained. Any prior experiences or learned behavior in the same context is likely to influence the process of attitude formation. These beliefs are not only crucial in the context of the issue at hand, but they also become the basis and foundations for future attitude formulations. Attitudes show their effect in various ways. There are circumstances wherein a person may feel positively or negatively about a subject. At the same time, states of ‘ambivalence’ may enable a person to maintain both views simultaneously. Additional concepts in social attitude formation are also integral to the lucid understanding of the said concept. One of these involves the theory of ‘cognitive dissonance’. â€Å"It is a state that presents a state of opposition between cognitions† (Wikipedia). The primary belief that is purported by this school of thought is that conflicting ideation, emotions, and conditions force the human being to seek a condition of equilibrium, and in a way speeds up the decision making process as far as concluding upon a certain attitude is concerned. These conflicts, therefore, ironically form the way towards conflict resolution once the mind has decided upon which stance to maintain.   

Aristotle & Hume Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Aristotle & Hume - Term Paper Example Passion is a feeling which has no boundaries, if aroused naturally and authentically in an individual. Hume understands the concepts and elements of life as he is a deep thinker and has contemplated on life and human psychology in various ways. Here the intention is to comprehend the statement of Hume and interpret it with one of the greatest Greek philosophers the world has seen, Aristotle. The view of Aristotle is distinctive and unique and can be contradictory or resembling to that of Hume. The attempt here is to argumentatively interpret the statement by Hume and convey how Aristotle would converse regarding this issue. Passion being a natural feeling cannot be influenced or affected by other qualities or personality traits of human being. People can analyze the feeling and reciprocate on it in varied ways, but it really depends on the philosophical perspective and reasoning ability of a philosopher. Here the perspective and argumentative stand of Hume and Aristotle would bring a bout more of depth to the thinking ability and philosophical values of both. Arguments Passion is natural and contradictory to reasoning Aristotle, as an intellectual thinker and philosopher, connects virtue to feelings. Passion is an aggressive and intense feeling of human being. Aristotle was of the opinion that with intellectual thinking intellectual virtues like wisdom, reasoning and intellectual skills are connected; on the other hand, moralistic virtues are related to one of the component of soul where feelings reside. If a person holds a pure soul, then he would be morally ideal and realistically passionate. Passion is attached to soul; it is a feeling arising from the inner most depth of a human soul and heart. A person who possesses high intelligence needs not necessarily have a passionate soul or heart. According to Morgan, â€Å"[f]or when the beings are of different kinds, the parts of the soul naturally suited are of different kinds, since the parts possess knowledge b y being somehow similar appropriate† (Morgan 307). It is normally observed that a person with intelligence and a high reasoning ability focuses more on analytical facts and gives importance to brain faculty rather than desire. Here we can understand that Hume’s ideology and Aristotle’s perspective match in a positive manner. Aristotle would totally agree with Hume and would proclaim that passion in no way can be combatted by reasoning. Reasoning is a quality of physical body whereas passion is both spiritual and physical and can surpass reason in all manners. Aristotle would postulate the fact that passion, as a strong feeling, could change a man’s thinking and reasoning ability to a great extent. Aristotle would further suggest that a man who is passionately evoked cannot be tethered by reasoning or intelligence as he is completely surrendered to the soul. A soul is the ultimate powerhouse of a human being, and when enslaved to soul, no intelligence can r ule the mental status of a person. Reason is an egoistic value and passion a natural feeling Aristotle, being a soul lover, would comment to Hume that soul is the universal energy, and nothing in the world which is related to ego can fight with it. Passion is the essence of a soul, and a man, being a soul enriched being, can be overwhelmingly overtaken by passion. Reasoning is a component of soul, but it is not a moralistic virtue even though it is a virtue. Aristotle would continue that all virtues are not idealistic, and

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Hang on for a smooth flight; Paragliding in the UK, an Organisational Essay

Hang on for a smooth flight; Paragliding in the UK, an Organisational and Consumer perspective - Essay Example ccomplish the following: (1) to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the current Hang gliding and Paragliding Industry in the United Kingdom of Great Britain; (2) to investigate key components in APCO’s marketing strategy which led to their perceived dominance in the market and; (3) to examine consumer’s perception and satisfaction with the current market situation. To achieve these objectives, the researcher would conduct a survey to fifty (50) respondents, 25 are new trainees and 25 are paragliding instructors. These respondents also went through a series of semi-structured interviews to clarify their answers in the survey. The results of this study proves that there is indeed an increase in the number of people who are into adventure sports such as paragliding despite the risks that come with these sports. It is because of this that they give so much importance to the reputation and marketing strategies of certain manufacturers so as to ensure their safety as they engage in sports which are accompanies by high risks. In the United Kingdom of Great Britain, the sport of Paragliding is gaining tremendous popularity as an essential part of both the aviation and adventure tourism industries. Without a doubt, it has significantly contributed to the rise of the aviation industry as one of the most important industries in the United Kingdom, generating about 10.2 billion pounds sterling, thus amounting to 1.4% of the Gross Domestic Product of the Country. At the same time, the aviation industry has opened a lot of job opportunities for the citizens of the UK. In fact, it has already been reported to have been directly employed by this particular industry. As one of the perceived substantial industries in the country, it has helped in supporting the vision of their government for a high-productivity economy (OEF, 1999). Without a doubt, the economic growth of the UK owes a lot to aviation. Firstly because it is a part of their transport infrastructure to which

Fred tunnel and Horse in Tetons and Seated Indian Essay

Fred tunnel and Horse in Tetons and Seated Indian - Essay Example With regard to the historical context of the paintings, the two paintings are consistent with the post impressionist historical styles of painting which began towards the end of the 19th century. For instance, the styles used in two paintings largely emphasized outdoor paintings with colorful palettes, landscape scenes as well as daily life scenes. All these styles were heavily used during the post impressionist periods. Additionally the artists’ use of colors and shades also suggest that it the works may have been done in the 1900s when the post impressionist styles were the common style (Penelope, 67) .This period was characterized by cultural and racial conflicts between the white American immigrants and the natives. For example the artists may have used more white colors on the paintings to idealize the white race and the western life. One important question that arises in the analysis of the two pictures is whether they have effectively passed across the information that they were intended for. The costumes and ornaments are still regarded as important in several societies due to their continued use in our contemporary society. In both the two paintings, the relationship between the form presented by the artists and the iconography is quite complex. Generally the iconographical requirements have significantly affected the formal elements of the two paintings. In â€Å"Sitting Indian†, Joseph Sharp has effectively included some of the details such as images of the hunted animals.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Hang on for a smooth flight; Paragliding in the UK, an Organisational Essay

Hang on for a smooth flight; Paragliding in the UK, an Organisational and Consumer perspective - Essay Example ccomplish the following: (1) to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the current Hang gliding and Paragliding Industry in the United Kingdom of Great Britain; (2) to investigate key components in APCO’s marketing strategy which led to their perceived dominance in the market and; (3) to examine consumer’s perception and satisfaction with the current market situation. To achieve these objectives, the researcher would conduct a survey to fifty (50) respondents, 25 are new trainees and 25 are paragliding instructors. These respondents also went through a series of semi-structured interviews to clarify their answers in the survey. The results of this study proves that there is indeed an increase in the number of people who are into adventure sports such as paragliding despite the risks that come with these sports. It is because of this that they give so much importance to the reputation and marketing strategies of certain manufacturers so as to ensure their safety as they engage in sports which are accompanies by high risks. In the United Kingdom of Great Britain, the sport of Paragliding is gaining tremendous popularity as an essential part of both the aviation and adventure tourism industries. Without a doubt, it has significantly contributed to the rise of the aviation industry as one of the most important industries in the United Kingdom, generating about 10.2 billion pounds sterling, thus amounting to 1.4% of the Gross Domestic Product of the Country. At the same time, the aviation industry has opened a lot of job opportunities for the citizens of the UK. In fact, it has already been reported to have been directly employed by this particular industry. As one of the perceived substantial industries in the country, it has helped in supporting the vision of their government for a high-productivity economy (OEF, 1999). Without a doubt, the economic growth of the UK owes a lot to aviation. Firstly because it is a part of their transport infrastructure to which

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Supply Chain Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Supply Chain Management - Essay Example Value creation through global supply chain management is achieved through strategic integration of all members of the supply chain under the scope information exchange and understanding of the changing global consumer (Flint, 2004). According to McAdam and McCormick (2004) value creation occurs when organizations develop new ways of better addressing the customers’ needs and customer satisfaction; the supply chain which acts as a source of information can increase value creation. Especially in the case of global supply chains, effective management of the flow of processes and functions indicates a better coordination of resources (including learning), which in turn provide the potentials for accumulating greater information on the global marketplaces. Given that global markets are underpinned by different cultures, different institutions and different structures, management of the global supply chain becomes the most important tool for effective operations. Value creation is t herefore achieved through global supply chain management through greater synergies and integration of the supply chain partners in communication and information exchange, which allow faster response to the global changes in consumer behaviour.

Soft Drink Industry Essay Example for Free

Soft Drink Industry Essay A soft drink is a non-alcoholic beverage typically containing water often carbonated water and a flavoring agent. Many of these beverages are sweetened by the addition of sugar or high fructose They may also contain ingredients such as caffeine and fruit juice. They are called soft in contrast to hard drinksthat is, alcoholic beverages. Small amounts of alcohol may be present in a soft drink, but the alcohol content generally must be less than 0. 5% of the total volume if the drink is to be considered non-alcoholic. Soft drinks are usually served chilled or at room temperature, are rarely heated, and generally do not include milk or other dairy beverages. Beverages that are typically not considered soft drinks include hot chocolate, hot tea, coffee, pure juice and milkshake. History of soft drinks. Soft drinks trace their history back to the mineral waters found in natural springs. Ancient societies believed that bathing in natural springs and/or drinking mineral waters could cure many diseases. Among the earliest soft drinks were sherbets developed by Arabic chemists and originally served in the medieval Near East. Dandelion burdock, a naturally carbonated drink made from fermented dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) and burdock (Arctium lappa) roots, was first made in England in around 1265. The first marketed soft drinks (non-carbonated) in the Western world appeared in the 17th century. They were made from water and lemon juice sweetened with honey. In 1676, the Compagnie des Limonadiers of Paris was granted a monopoly for the sale of lemonade soft drinks. Vendors carried tanks of lemonade on their backs and dispensed cups of the soft drink to thirsty Parisians. In late 18th century, scientists made important progress in replicating naturally carbonated mineral waters. In 1767, Englishman Joseph Priestley first discovered a method of infusing water with carbon dioxide to make carbonated water when he suspended a bowl of distilled water above a beer vat at a local brewery in Leeds, England. His invention of carbonated water, (also known as soda water), is the major and defining component of most soft drinks. Priestley found water thus treated had a pleasant taste, and he offered it to friends as a refreshing drink.? 1881 The first cola-flavored beverage introduced. ? 1886 Dr. John S. Pemberton invented coca cola in Atlanta, Georgia. ? 1892 William Painter invented the crown bottle cap. ? 1898 Pepsi-Cola is invented by Caleb Bradham. ? Early 1920s The first automatic vending machines dispensed sodas into cups. ? 1957 The first aluminum cans used. ? 1959 The first diet cola sold. ? 1965 Soft drinks in cans dispensed from vending machines. ? 1970 Plastic bottles are used for soft drinks Coca cola and pepsi Coca-Cola was the 1st international soft drinks brand to enter India in early 1970’s. Re-entry of Coca-Cola in 1993 On the 26th of October 1993, Coca-Cola re-entered the Indian market having acquired some of the leading Indian soft drink brands from Parle, namely Thums-Up, Maaza, Limca, Goldspot Citra. These brands joined Coke’s portfolio of international brands i. e. Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta, Schweppes as Coca-Cola India took control of the top soft drink brands in India from the very beginning. From 1993 to 2003, company invested US $ 1 billion in India. Thebeginningofcolawar For the Cricket World Cup 1996, Pepsi was not the official sponsor of the tournament, Coke was. But Pepsi had a whole pool of best players roped in as brand ambassadors from the sub continent and abroad. The ad campaign of â€Å"Nothing Official About it† rocked the country and despite Coke being the official sponsor, it was Pepsi which hogged the publicity. In 1998, with the release of blockbuster movie â€Å"Kuch Kuch Hota Hai†, Pepsi took out another ace from its sleeve, featuring Shahrukh, Rani and Kajol in its ad. The punch line was â€Å"Yeh Dil Maange More† which was an iconic line and struck a chord amongst the people. Coca-Cola countered by spoofing the ad, using Sprite, to hilarious effect. Pepsi responded with a spoof of its own, starring Azhar and Jadeja hitting on the Coke line of â€Å"Eat Cricket, Sleep Cricket, Drink Only Coca Cola† with the punch line of â€Å"More More Cricket, More More Pepsi†. Coke again hit back, this time with Thumbs Up ad. They portrayed the cricketers as monkeys and ended the ad with â€Å"Don’t be a bunder (monkey) Taste the Thunder! † Situation turned ugly with Pepsi going to court and finally ended with Coke withdrawing the ad. The Cola wars went on full-fledged till 2003, when a pesticide controversy forced Coke and Pepsi to fight on the same side in so called â€Å"Indias New Cola Wars†. TheControversies Presence of Pesticides: In 2003, the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) findings stirred the beverage industry in India. CSE claimed to find dangerous levels of pesticides in all the 57 samples of 11 soft drinks brands collected by the organization from 25 different manufacturing units of Coca-Cola and PepsiCo spread over 12 states. The study found a cocktail of three-five different pesticides in all the samples on an average 24 times higher than norms laid down by government-run Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS). Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat and Kerala banned the sale of Colas in schools, colleges and government departments, and other states also took adversarial measures. The day after the CSE’s announcement, Coke and Pepsi came together in a rare show of solidarity at a joint press conference. The companies attacked the credibility of the CSE and their lab results, citing regular testing at independent laboratories proving the safety of their products. They promised to provide this data to the public, threatened legal action against the CSE while seeking a gag order, and contacted the United States Embassy in India for assistance. They roped in major film stars to explain their purity to public. Despite all these measures, sales dipped by as much as 80% in some regions. The soft drinks industry took over a year to get back on the growth track. Ground Water Crisis: Coca-Cola was recently accused of ground water depletion in many areas of the country. Coca-Cola’s bottling operations – which extract hundreds of millions of liters of water from the groundwater resource – have significantly worsened the water crisis as groundwater levels have dropped sharply since Coca-Cola started its operations. The company was also accused of indiscriminately dumping its toxic waste into the surrounding areas – polluting the water as well as the land. The Coke reiterated its commitment to trim down water usage and take steps towards environment sustainability and farmer’s welfare. However, activists retort that Coca Cola is in the business of water usage and wasting, creating a luxury product largely for the middle class. Amidst various allegations and controversies, the soft drinks industry in India, supported by its booming economy, strengthening middle class and low per capita consumption, is growing at a cruising pace. The focus has shifted from carbonated drinks to Fruit drinks, with both the companies launching Lemon drinks in 2009-10. In the next few years, the fruit juice category is likely to carry the growth flag forward as consumers become more health conscious.

Monday, October 14, 2019

System Thinking In Healthcare Nursing Essay

System Thinking In Healthcare Nursing Essay The health care system can be defined as a set of interrelated parts or agents, which include caregivers and patients, bound by a common purpose and acting on their knowledge. This great number of interconnections within and among makes the healthcare organisation complex (IOM, 2009). Such complexity brings problems and opportunities and requires organisations to adjust to the changes. The ability to understand and respond to both the external and internal environments might require a holistic thinking approach of the system (Lebcir, 2006). Systems consist of interrelated, interacting and interdependent parts configured in a manner that produces a unified whole. System thinking studies these components parts, their interrelationship and the way they function as a whole. According to Senge (1993), system thinking is a conceptual framework, a body of knowledge and tools that has been developed to make the full patterns of systems clearer, and to help see how they can be changed effectively. There are various system thinking approaches and the essay will review some methodologies that were used in managing the case study of Ashford hospital. 1.1 Case Study- Ashford Hospital Earlier in the year, Ashford hospital which serves quite a large population experienced severe pressure on service. The hospital had 67 ward beds. Patients had to wait for long in chairs or trolleys at accident and emergency unit (A E) before they could be admitted into the wards. This led to overcrowding of AE unit. Patients were asked to stay away from the hospitals AE unless absolutely necessary. The healthcare providers were put under pressure and resulted in trading of blames amongst them. Patients were no longer satisfied with the quality of care. The management of the hospital was disturbed and wanted a way out of the messy situation. 2 Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) SSM is an action oriented approach for tackling perceived real world problematic (social) situations ( Checkland and Poulter, 2006). Appendix A shows the SSM process steps that were followed in the course of investigation. 2.1 Finding out An investigation team was invited by Chief Executive (CE) and introduced to some health workers. Using the SSM the first stage was to identify and provide a brief description of the situation. Due to the workload the clinicians were encountering, getting them round a discussion table wasnt easy. However, the investigation team moved around asking questions and observing proceedings. A rich picture was developed to help capture the main entities, structures and view points in the problem situation of Ashton hospital (Figure1, Appendix B). As part of the finding out, the team had to identify key roles that were affected in this situation (Analysis 1). The team already knew who the client was because it was the CE who requested for intervention. The nurses and doctors (some with specialisation) in A E provided treatment to patients with various illnesses and injuries.. Where necessary, patients were moved to the ward. The bed manger allocated beds to patient, while the ward manager supervised the ward. Table1 shows the outcome of Analysis 1 while table 2 shows the worldviews of the issue owners. Having known the key issue owners, the social texture (Analysis 2) of the issue owners in term of their role in the hospital, the norms (expected behaviour associated with such role) and the values (standard by which behaviours are judged) were identified. This is illustrated in table 1 of Appendix B. A political analysis (analysis 3) which enriched the cultural appreciation previously obtained through Analyses 1and II was done. The essence was to find out the disposition of power associated with the roles within the hospital thereby buttressing our cultural understanding of the situation. The CE, being the head of the hospital, had positioned power over other roles while the doctors enjoyed expert power across the hospital. The details of the analysis 3 are shown in figure 2 of Appendix B. The culture analysis provided a basic for identifying the relevant issues, actors and conflict in the hospital. The Client- person(s) who caused the intervention to happen The Chief Executive of Ashford hospital The Practitioner- people performing the investigation The Investigation team (Us) The issue owners-people who are concerned about or affected by the situation. Doctors, Bed managers, nurses, patients, ward managers, Chief Executive Table 1: Analysis 1 (the Intervention Itself) in Ashford hospital case study Issue owners World views Chief Executive Targets must be met with the available budget Doctors Patients need to be given effective treatment before they are discharged Bed manager Doctors do not discharge patients on time and are always bed blocking Patients We need better healthcare service; we Need to get well before we are discharged Ward managers High standards must be maintained in the ward Nurse To many patients to cope with Table 2: Worldviews of the issue owners in Ashford hospital case study. 2.2 Making Purposeful Activity Models. According to Checkland and Poulter (2006), every human situation reveals people trying to act purposefully. The models of purposeful activity system viewed through the world view of the doctors and the bed manager were considered very relevant. This was because the doctors made decisions on patients that needed admission while the bed manager was involved in allocation of beds. In order to model the purposeful activities, root definitions describing the primary activity processes and functions were developed using a mnemonic CATWOE analysis. Appropriate root definitions for the primary functions performed by doctors and bed manager were formulated as follows: A doctor system to provide quality and effective treatment care, through the use of appropriate acquired knowledge and hospital resources in, order to improve patients condition. A bed manager system that provides timely placement of patients in wards, by optimizing the use of available hospital beds, in order to contribute to quality and effective patient care. Tables 3 and 4 show the purposeful activity models for the Bed Manager and Doctor respectively. The conceptual purposeful activity models are illustrated in figure 2 and 3 of Appendix B. Purposeful Activity model 1 Root definition A bed manager system that provides timely placement of patients in wards, by optimizing the use of available hospital beds, in order to contribute to quality and effective of patient care. Activity name Admission of patients Task Primary task Customer Patients, doctors Actors Bed manager Transformation process Patients are admitted in hospital ward beds Worldview Doctors do not discharge patients on time and they contribute to bed blocking Owners Bed managers, doctors, ward managers, nurses Environment Number of beds, bed management and ward policies Efficacy Are beds available for patients? Are beds data correct? Efficiency How long do patient wait before being admitted? Do patients over stay on ward bed? Optimal bed usage, waiting time Effectiveness Have all patients been admitted on time? Table 3: Purposeful Activity model of Bed Manager. Purposeful Activity Model 2 Root definition A doctor system to provide quality and effective treatment care, through the use of appropriate acquired knowledge and hospital resources in order to improve patients condition. Activity name Treatment and admission of patients Task Primary task Customer Patients Actors Doctors Transformation process Patients are admitted and treated in the hospital Worldview Patients need to be given effective treatment before they are discharged Owners Nurses, doctors, bed managers, ward managers Environment Bed management and ward policies, availability of beds Efficacy Have patients been treated and admitted Efficiency Are patients getting better?, cost of drugs, time Effectiveness Have all patients been treated and admitted on time? Table 4: Purposeful Activity model of Doctors 2.3 Discussion and Outcomes. Activities in conceptual models developed were used for the discussion. The most significant finding that resulted from the investigation was in the area of discharge. The actual problem which was assumed to be limited to the AE was actually as a result of failure to adequately plan discharge in the wards. When the rate of patients needing admission increased, there was a need to change discharge plans. However, it was realised that the doctors did not change discharge behaviour and created waiting lists for patients that needed admission. Facilitated brainstorming sessions resulted in identifying number of contributing causes of delayed discharge. Discharge was done after ward round which took place in morning during week days alone. Insignificant numbers of discharge were done over the weekend because there was no major ward round. This meant that most patients needing admission in A E over weekend had to wait till following week before beds could be arranged for them. This also compounded the bed crises. A discharge project team was immediately set up. The main function of the discharge team was to carry out additional ward rounds in the evenings and on weekends so as to discharge patients and free up more beds. They were able to indentify other causes of delayed discharge and resolved them. This ensured timely discharge fashion which then freed up beds for patients in AE. 2.4 Strength and weakness of SSM The methodology provided guidelines that were flexible to apply. The use of models provoked debate and learning among the issue owners. Through discussion and debates, the hospital was able to realise that there was a need to amend patient discharge policy. However, this methodology could not satisfy everybody. Some of the discharge decisions were not favourable to the ward patients. Also members of the discharge team had extra work to do and ways of compensating them were not discussed. This could be seen from Jackson (2000) arguments that SSM tends to favour the more powerful people in the system while genuine participative debate could be severely constrained. 3.0 Thinking Differently Most of the inventions in our society today, such as electricity, telephone, automated teller machine and many more, are the results of some people who decided to think differently. Thinking differently involves using innovative and creative approaches to transform healthcare delivery service (NHS, 2007) The first stage was to stop and think of the whole situation and identify areas where creative thinking could improve matters. It was observed that there was poor co-ordination of patients and beds management while poor communication existed between the bed manager and other clinicians, in the wards and A E, about bed availability. A tool called Others Point of View (OPV) was then selected to describe the issue from others peoples perspective. The aim was to generate some alternative ways of framing the problem and to think about what other people might say about bed management of the hospital. Hotel manager Despite their poor hospitality, they still have more clients.poor service in hotel industry will make you to be out of business Service Consultant Poor customer service in the hospitalno regards for patientscustomers are kings are the patients Journalist Taking the sick to a sick hospital. Patient -This is disgustingwhere else do they want us to go to? The second phase allowed clinicians to brainstorm and come up with ideas. At this stage no idea was good or bad. It allowed for people to speaking out their imaginations. The Fresh eyes tool was picked to see how similar issues were managed in other industries and the possibility of adopting the solutions into the hospital. Hotels- Hotels manage rooms, checks customers in and out using software systems designed to help administrator to track all rooms availability. University- students can book their accommodation online while a system assists in organising and allocating rooms to students Airline Airline Reservations Systems that manages airline schedules, fare tariffs, passenger reservations and ticket records. This gave us insight to how clients and resources were being managed in other industries. The stake holders then agreed to try out a bed management information system. The hospital implemented bed management information system on a small scale and some of the benefits were highlighted (Table 5). Real time online monitoring of bed position, bed manager did not have to go round wards again It improved communication between units for patient admissions Saved time searching for available beds in the hospital It provided an overview of bed occupancy rate in hospital It was user friendly and easy to use. Enabled more accurate allocation of beds for emergency patients Table 5: Realised benefits of Bed management information system after implementation. 3.1 Strength and weakness The thinking differently methodology was a powerful tool in stimulating thinking and lots of ideas were suggested. However, this took time and caused arguments as feasibility, advantages disadvantages and risk of each idea were all argued out. Also, traces of people trying to impose their ideas on others were noticed while others brought up ideas that would satisfy their own interest. 4 System dynamics System dynamics is an approach and simulation technique for studying and managing complex feedback systems, that are seen in business and other social systems (SDS, 2009). According to Jun el at (1999), there has been increased use of simulation in healthcare. This could be attributed to numerous success reports of using simulation to address health care system problems and availability of simulation software packages. The methodology was used to estimate and manage the aggregate flow of patient through the hospital and its environment. As the number of people visiting AE increased, it in turn increased the number of people who needed hospital admission. Also, as patients waiting for bed increased, it caused an increase in number of patients that were discharged home early. This is illustrated in Figure 1. There was the need to control the number of patients coming through A E. The availability and use of other healthcare facilities such as GP practice, community care and nearby hospitals would have a negative feedback on the inflow of patients into aE. This would directly affect the number of patients needing admission. Most of the patients that were discharged home might not have to return to AE as community care could assist carter. This methodology helped the hospital to forecast inflow of patients and ways that could be adopted to control it. Community care services around were informed about the situation of things in the hospital. In addition, ambulance bringing patients were informed ahead to make use of other hospitals or GP practices if condition of patient was not too severe. Figure 1: A model to show the flow of patients through the hospital 5. Conclusion The complex nature of healthcare system makes system thinking well-suited to tackle problems in this sector. The various methodology approaches used assisted in better understanding of the relationship between the various units in Ashford hospital and its environment. This showed that like any other system, no unit in the hospital is an island. The different methodologies applied in Ashford hospital situation yielded various positive outcomes that helped improved the problematic situation. While some of the methodologies used have their roots in action research, further participatory research will be carried out to investigate occupational work stress among the clinicians. This may help identify majors causes of stress associated with their workflow, how it affects their relationships with others and with the patients in particular. Word count -2034

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Essays -- Mary Shelley Frankenstein Essays

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein The characterization of Victor’s creature, the monster, in the movie although somewhat dramatically different from Mary Shelley’s portrayal in the novel Frankenstein also had its similarities. Shelley’s views of the monster were to make him seem like a human being, while the movie made the monster out to be a hideous creation. The creature’s appearance and personality are two aspects that differ between the novel and movie while his intellectual and tender sides were portrayed the same. From the novel the creature’s physical appearance is left up to each reader’s imagination. Shelley wrote: His limbs were in proportion, and I had selected his features as beautiful. Beautiful! Great God! His yellow skin scarcely covered the work of muscles and arteries beneath; his hair was of a lustrous black, and flowing; his teeth of a pearly whiteness; but these luxuriances only formed a more horrid contrast with his watery eyes, that seemed almost of the same colour as the dun-white sockets in which they were set, his shrivelled complexion and straight black lips (p.56). Although I imagined the creature a human being with somewhat distorted features, another reader might view his appearance as a grotesque monster. On the other hand, the movie has shown him as a hideous monster created by a mad scientist. The monster’s appearance was focused on creating life out of dead body parts, sewing the pieces together that left horrid physical scars, and activating him with electricity. The creature’s personality, or actions toward society, was displayed as being very calm and compassionate in the novel. He made many attempts to converse with society, but society feared and mistreated... ...survive the cold season. The creature also requested a companion of the opposite sex, so he too could feel love from another instead of total rejection. At the very end of the novel and movie the creature was caught grieving over the death of his creator. Even though we are made to think that the creature was cold and destructive, in the end his human emotions prevailed. The Frankenstein movie focused on outward action scenes rather than emotional themes to make it more popular and entertaining. It also portrayed Victor as a mad scientist engrossed in his desire to create human life. I was very impressed that the movie did keep some of the good qualities that came from the novel. I enjoyed the novel more, because it gave me the opportunity to put my imagination to work instead of having to accept someone else’s interpretation of Mary Shelley’s literary novel.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Twains Huck Finn Compared To The Movie :: essays research papers

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain is a classic novel about a young boy who struggles to save and free himself from captivity, responsibility, and social injustice. Along his river to freedom, he aids and befriends a runaway slave named Jim. The two travel down the Mississippi, hoping to reach Cairo successfully. However, along the way they run into many obstacles that interrupt their journey. By solving these difficult tasks, they learn life lessons important to survival. The reader will find Huck and Jim more knowledgeable at the conclusion of the novel, and notice their love for life and for each other.After reading the novel and watching the Disney film Huck Finn, one will find many dissimilarities. Many of the classic scenes have been switched around and combined in the 1993 version. There are a few scenes in particular that I will focus and comment on.The major difference between the movie and the book is an important character named Tom Sawyer, who is not present or mentioned in the film. It is evident from reading the story that Tom was a dominant influence on Huck, who obviously adores him. Tom can be seen as Huck's leader and role model. He has a good family life, but yet has the free will to run off and have fun. Tom is intelligent, creative, and imaginative, which is everything Huck wishes for himself. Because of Tom's absence in the movie, Huck has no one to idolize and therefore is more independent. Twain's major theme in the novel is the stupidity and faults of the society in which Huck lives. There is cruelty, greed, murder, trickery, hypocrisy, racism, and a general lack of morality. All of these human failings are seen through the characters and the adventures they experience. The scenes involving the King and Duke show examples of these traits. The two con-artists go through many towns playing the same tricks and scams on the gullible townspeople hoping to make money. They put on acts in the novel such as the "Nonesuch" that get them almost killed as they run out of each town. These scenes, which prove as examples of the foolish society are not in the film.The naivetà © of the Wilks sisters is disturbing to Huck who attempts to help them stop the frauds from stealing their inheritance. The movie is dissimilar to the book in that it concludes with Mary Jane and her two sisters as the heroes who save Jim from being hanged and Huck from dying of a gun wound.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Genetically Modified Foods: Their Benefits and Drawbacks

Dear Senator Cornyn, As a United States Senator representing the state of Texas, you know that representing the best interests of your constituents is a full time job. Perhaps one of the most important items in the lives of Texans is how and where their supply of food is produced. While normal agricultural techniques do provide many of the food in the market today, genetically modified foods, or GM foods are quickly becoming an integral part of America's food system. This letter is being submitted to offer you a brief summary of what genetically modified foods are, their benefits, and their drawbacks. It is our hope that you will use this information to make informed decisions concerning this controversial subject. Specifically speaking, genetic modification is a special set of technologies that alter genetic makeup of organisms such as animals, plants, or bacteria. It is a form of biotechnology in which specific gene sequences are inserted into a specific plant or animal so that the trait exhibited by the gene is manifested in the plant or animal. By allowing specific genes to be re-combined, the value of the recipient organism can be greatly increased. The potential risks attributed to such a genetically engineered crop can also be increased. Based on the available information, there are quite a number of tangible benefits to genetically modified plants. Crops can be genetically engineered to be more resistant to pests, either plant or animal. By making such plants as corn, soybeans or even alfalfa more resistant, the resultant crop yields are larger, and the need for environmentally dangerous pesticides or herbicides are decreased greatly. Other crops, such as rice, have been genetically modified to include iron and Vitamin A to increase their health benefits. There are some risks involved with using genetically modified crops. One of the most far reaching is the possibility of the genetically modified foods harming other organisms. A recent study of Cornell University indicated that a gene for a bacterial toxin inserted into corn was poisonous to monarch butterfly larvae. It is a prime example of the far reaching affects of such alteration in the food system. Another risk inherent in this type of modification is uncontrolled cross-pollination. Once a modified gene is placed within a plant, it is extremely difficult to prevent it spreading to the rest of the crop. There is a strong possibility of a once desirable modification becoming an undesirable trait in another plant. Finally, the modified plants that have an increased resistance to pests and weeds can in time promote the evolution of more resilient weeds and pests through cross breeding or selective evolution. At the time, no medical harm to humans has been traced to ingesting genetically modified foods. It should be remembered, that is not the same as proving that genetically modified organisms pose no potential dangers. It is our hope that this letter will provide you with a very brief overview of the many benefits and potential drawbacks of genetically modified foods. Please feel free to contact us or other industry experts if you require further or more detailed information.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Learning And Teaching In The Inner City Education Essay

Teaching and larning in any school can hold both benefits and jobs. Those advantages and issues tend to be magnified in the interior metropolis school environment. However, staff members including the caput instructor, instructors and learning helpers can hold an impact upon a kid ‘s acquisition in all schools, particularly those in the interior metropolis. If staff members are competent and capable of learning efficaciously, the challenges of an interior metropolis school environment can be overcome to let students to boom and accomplish, and exceed, their possible. A figure of jobs, with a assortment of solutions, affect interior metropolis schools ; a figure of which are discussed below: Immigration addition in interior metropoliss has increased the figure of kids in school with English as a 2nd linguistic communication. â€Å" The steep rise of in-migration into Britain has been demonstrated by new figures that show more than 1,500 schools are dominated by students who speak English as a 2nd linguistic communication. † ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) As linguistic communication forms the footing for the instruction of any topic, these kids begin their instruction at a disadvantage and have to give their attempt in first understanding instructions, so set abouting those undertakings. Transient student populations cause issues for those students because they are ever traveling place and schools. This affects their instruction as different categories will be at different phases in the course of study ; doing the kid to lose out on immense subdivisions of the course of study or repeat of the same content. Furthermore, each instructor will hold their ain instruction manners intending that the transient student will hold to go adaptative to different ways of being taught and different methods of larning. This becomes particularly debatable as the instructor can non immediately and efficaciously measure the learning manner of the student to supply learning which suits their single demands. Whilst this assortment for the student encourages adaptability, it can be nerve-racking for the student to be under changeless alteration. By virtuousness of their location, interior metropolis schools are frequently greatly affected by poorness which frequently contributes to underachievement. Poverty can besides take to hapless nutrition which has been shown to negatively impact attainment ( Haddad, 2002 ) . Furthermore, with poorness it becomes more hard to supply quiet infinite to ease effectual place acquisition as free infinite is minimum. Children from hapless households frequently do non hold entree to learning resources either. Poverty is a peculiar job in the UK as celebrated below ; â€Å" The UK has a higher proportion of its kids populating in workless families than any other EU country.A It is about twice that of both the EU norm and that in France and Germany. † ( hypertext transfer protocol: // 2 ) Parents ‘ working forms ( eg casual or switch work ) mean that parents are non ever show to assist with home-work, frequently the kids are looked after by a figure of other carers, and as mentioned above household repasts are irregular taking to hapless diet in kids from those households. This can impact the kid ‘s wellness and slumber which influence concentration and acquisition. In some households with these jobs older kids frequently have to assist with younger siblings which means that their learning outside of school e.g. prep undertakings will non ever be completed/receive full attending. Some households may delegate a low precedence to instruction ; this is usually due to parental influence and is cyclical. In interior metropolis schools there is frequently a low turnout at parents ‘ eventide or parents ‘ audiences intending that instructors and parents can non work in a close partnership to better the educational opportunities for the student. Teaching staff in weakness schools are frequently non every bit stable as staff in outstanding schools. This can do the same job as the transeunt population of students e.g. issues of learning manners, working relationships with students etc. Many of the above factors generate a deficiency of assurance among students, negatively act uponing attainment and motive. This rhythm can be exacerbated by inconsistent instruction and continues, particularly if the kid feels a deficiency of support. The job may besides get down to impact other students when the un-motivated student begins to deflect others. This rhythm will go on until the affected student is assisted, for which resources must be available. Possession of good behavior direction accomplishments is indispensable to be able to cover with any schoolroom. Inner metropolis schoolrooms can hold extra challenges which act as barriers to larning such as linguistic communication and particular demands. A good behavior direction technique will assist liberate up clip to concentrate on larning instead than covering with behavioral issues. As noted above, school staff obviously play a critical function in guaranting that students achieve their possible, particularly if parent and student portion this purpose. I believe that most success for a instructor comes from being able to prosecute good with kids, maintaining their involvement in the topic and as such give them the gift of desiring to larn more. Committedness of a instructor to an interior metropolis learning place can be a existent advantage for students ‘ instruction and possible to accomplish. However, hapless quality instructors remaining in station can be merely every bit bad as good instructors altering every term. The Conservative party believes that giving schools more power to pay good interior metropolis instructors extra will help the keeping of staff. I think this could assist but if the instructors feels supported, see countries for publicity, see the students increasing in assurance and making good I believe these factors are merely as of import. Any school needs fiscal support ; the authorities has been supplying money for bettering schools, here are some illustrations ; The ‘Specialist-schools ‘ programme provides authorities funding for schools which choose a specializer topic and achieve the marks set to raise criterions. These schools aim to develop countries of course of study excellence, assisting better the criterions for all pupils. Ian Turner, Director of Strategy, Programmes and Networks, at the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust ( SSAT ) , which finds sponsorship for specializer primaries said: â€Å" [ Specialist position ] provides schools with a strong focal point, an single individuality, [ and ] the chance to construct links with concern and the local community. † . ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) ‘Golden-hellos ‘ are portion of a authorities enterprise to promote more people to learn, by offering a payment of between ?2,500 and ?5,000 after the first twelvemonth as a instructor. However, it is merely available to instructors of certain nucleus secondary topics. Ed Balls announced in 2009 that the LA and schools will be acquiring excess steps to better primary schools as a agency to guarantee that every schools and kid can win. Ed Balls is composing to every LA and has asked them to demo how they are traveling to better schools to be the best primary schools in the universe. He is besides traveling to compose to the LA with the schools that are having the worse tonss and inquire them to better and rapidly. Charity support which assist schools in priceless besides. The Fischer household trust is an independent non net income charity which provides this sort of support ; the trust provides aid for undertakings aimed at the development of instruction in the UK. These are some of the literacy programmes that they have available: ‘Wave 3 ‘ , is a programme where KS1 kids who are reading or composing at a low degree are provided with excess aid to raise their attainment degree. ‘Hi-Five ‘ , has similar purposes for Year 5 pupils ( and upwards ) who are working at Level 2c in reading and authorship. ‘Write Away Together ‘ , is aimed at spread outing twelvemonth 1 to 6 authorship accomplishments through treatment of their independent authorship. The trust besides operates a new literacy preparation programme for supply instructors and coachs who do n't usually work with KS2 or have low English topic cognition. They besides provide information to LAs and schools to let them to do better determinations sing future marks with the usage of the pupil public presentation informations. Every Child Matters is another authorities enterprise that aims to implement five cardinal results for co-operation between all kids ‘s services, following a study published by the authorities in 2003 ( following the tragic decease of Victoria Climbie ) . Every Child Matters is an advanced attack to the wellbeing of kids and immature people until they are 19 old ages of age. The authoritiess ‘ 5 purposes for Every Child Matters are applicable for every kid, wherever they come from. These are to let entree to the support needed to ; be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, do a positive part, and achieve economic wellbeing. The purpose of ‘be healthy ‘ has been implemented by strategies such as breakfast nines so the kids gets right nutrition at the start of the twenty-four hours to be able to be productive, free fruit is provided for kids to seek assist them acquire some of their five a twenty-four hours, plus doing certain that the bites and repasts given by schools are healthier. â€Å" Healthier kids do better in larning and in life. By enabling kids and immature people to do positive alterations to their behaviors sing wellness and wellbeing, schools can assist them make their full potency in footings of accomplishment and fulfillment. † ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) Similarly, supplying free schools repasts is good for student and parent as some parents can non afford to give their kids a healthy tiffin. Besides, the instruction of kids into the dangers of smoke has lead to a lessening in 11 to 16 twelvemonth old kids that fume. Widening schooling and services offers other possibilities to efficaciously present Every Child Matters purposes. By offering a big scope of different activities, such as after school nines, wellness, wellbeing and stimulation can be obtained. By doing targeted and specialist services accessible such as grownup and household acquisition, ICT and athleticss installations, it is possible to raise both parental and pupil attainment. This is peculiarly effectual as parents can help schools in the home-education of the kid. It is of import for the school to work with the local community to supply the correct services harmonizing to demand and demand. The stay safe enterprise focuses upon forestalling and/or supplying solutions to any experience which makes a child feel insecure. Obviously, bar is better than remedy and as such schools may choose to learn programmes sing behavioral, strong-arming and/or favoritism issues. By supplying a safe environment, a kid can experience confident and unafraid leting them to larn more efficaciously. Therefore it is critical for school staff to go on educating immature people of the benefits of co-operation in making a safe environment during schooling and maturity. Educational staff must possess good interpersonal accomplishments and be sensitive to the kid ‘s demands and confidentiality to successfully guarantee safety and public assistance. A kid who does non bask their schooling is likely to under-achieve and may develop a more easy than their equals, doing these kids farther jobs. As such it is indispensable for instructors to present the course of study in a stimulating mode, in a stimulating environment, to increase the appetency to go to school and be unfastened to new acquisition. By guaranting that the kid enjoys school, it is possible to guarantee that they achieve to their full potency in footings of attainment. If this is successful in the Early Old ages puting with support of parents/carers it is likely to go on through adolescent old ages and positively impact maturity, and coevalss to come. As highlighted above, kids should be encouraged to act in ways which have a positive impact on themselves and, more significantly, others around them both in and out of school. This is most likely to go on when the kid is stimulated and entertained by an effectual teaching method. Encouraging opinion/debate, job resolution and positive attitudes and hence societal accomplishments in the Early Old ages, allows the kid to follow assurance and do a positive part throughout their lives. This impacts positively upon the community. Furthermore, maximizing attainment additions employment, net incomes potency and life chances in maturity. If childhood experience is effectual, the immature grownup will be ready for employment and farther preparation, leting them to obtain and better their net incomes. Subsequently this allows them to shack in good adjustment and raise a household without the negative effects of poorness. It is clearly of import for educational establishments to increase this focal point for kids from low-income households to interrupt the poorness rhythm. As demonstrated above, implementing every kid affairs schemes in schools has been successful in ways but as with most issues, demands to be on a regular basis reviewed and updated to modify, or happen new ways of, presenting the purposes to outdo benefit kids. It is of import that instruction besides focuses on back uping households and carers ( who are the most influential factor on a kid ‘s development ) and if necessary provide remedial action the kid reaches crisis point. This requires educational establishments to hold a degree of answerability and duty to guarantee the demands of their students are met, and exceeded. This can be facilitated by guaranting that the people who work with kids are valued, rewarded and trained. The head-teacher, school direction and – most particularly – instructors can be influential here, back uping kids to maximize their possible.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Zulu Film Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Zulu Film Review - Essay Example Zulu Film Review The executive producer was joseph E. Levine. The film focusses on an article by a historical writer called John Prebble who also is the screenplay together with Endfield, the production director of the film. It was shot at the Diamond Films Limited Production and Embassy Pictures took an initiative to release the Zulu film at the 47th street; the Seventh Avenue and the 58th street; Third Avenue at the palace, as well as other theatres within the area of metropolitan. It takes a total of 138 minutes, as the running time, to watch the film. The film has about fifteen main actors who play different roles. In the film, Richard Hurton provides the narration of the opening and closing, Mangosuthu Buthelezi plays Zulu king while Cetshwayo KaMpade plays Zulu’s great grandfather. As the first main part, Stanley Baker (The star of the film) introduces Michael Caine together with the supporting cast that comprises of James Booth, Jack Hawkins, Nigel Green, Ulla Jacobsson, Paul Daneman, Patrick Magea, Glyn Edwards and Ivor Emmanuel. In addition, other actors that play major roles in the film include Kerry Jordan, Gert van den Berg, Gary Bond and Neil McCarthy. As the history records, there was so much anticolonial discordance and overwhelming racial tension in the period of 19th and early 2oth century. In this regard, Zulu film depicts the bloody and senseless battle which transpired in this era between the British soldiers and force of Zulu warriors in South Africa.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

What was Wilmot proviso and why was it significant Essay

What was Wilmot proviso and why was it significant - Essay Example In spite of the opposition the bill was enacted and this led to some democrats pulling off from the party due to their disagreement. Through the Wilmot Proviso endorsement the Liberty party joined hands with President Martin and together they came up with A Free Soil party which was in support of the Wilmot Proviso bill. In the 1848 elections, the Wilmot Proviso’s terms were a definite challenge to proslavery groups; they were hence ignored by the Whig and Democratic parties but adopted by then Free-Soil party, which later became the Republican Party. They favored excluding slavery from new territories .It was through the bill that the currency was formed. The bill stated a provision of two million dollars ($2milllion) for the Mexican war. This led to the creation of the green paper which was used as a legal tender . For many years, arguments in support of and in opposition to slavery were debated in both churches and newspapers. The House of Representatives passed a rule threatening the discussion of slavery but this issue could no longer be avoided. Lawmakers in both the Senate and the House, the north and south, had to stand up and be

Monday, October 7, 2019

Business Analysis using PESTEL Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Business Analysis using PESTEL - Essay Example The main part of the report has used PESTLE framework to identify the factors that are important to be considered by the electric car manufacturers. The listed factors are then classified as highly relevant and less relevant. An impact analysis is then performed on the highly relevant factors to arrive at the most important trend to be considered. The trends as identified by the impact analysis are Government spending, Government deficit, Economic Growth, Research spending, Innovations, Safety regulations and Environmental awareness. Based on the analysis of the above factors, it is identified that the main opportunity for the electric car companies in the next 5 years is the increased environmental awareness among the people. Similarly, the main threat for electric car markets is the uncertainty about government policies. Sl. No. Topic Page No. 1 Introduction 4 - 5 2 Main body 2.1 PESTLE Analysis 2.2 Analysis of four trends 6 – 10 10 – 15 3 Conclusion 15 – 16 1. Introduction Developing a powerful battery for electric cars is a challenging task for all electric car manufacturers due to the various challenges associated with it. Those main challenges will be discussed here in this report. The topic is â€Å"A new type of battery that can extend the range of electric cars between charges from about 100 miles to about 500 miles.† This study will deal specifically about the electric car market in UK. The various aspects that are relating to the UK car market are dealt in detail in this report. The objective of the study is to identify and analyse the four key factors that are important for the electric car market in UK. A very comprehensive PESTLE analysis is done in order to identify the key factors affecting the UK electric car segment. Before getting into the core area, it is important to have an idea about the UK electric car market. British automobile industry is one of the most established and fastest growing automobile industries in the world. UK shows good growth figures for all car segments. The trend until some years back has been the small car segment. But now, the trend is getting shifted to the electric cars irrespective of whether it is big or small. The main motivating factors for such a shift in trend is the continued awareness regarding the ill effects caused by vehicle emissions and the low cost of operations. Due to this high potential that exists in the region, companies from across the world are targeting to introduce electric cars for the UK market. This is evident from the fact that the even the super luxury car maker Rolls Royce will unveil the electric version of their Phantom in the 2011 Geneva Motor Show. As of 2008 electric cars represented around 0.004 percent of cars on the UK roads. The committee on climate change then expected this figure to reach around 40 percent by 2020. (Webster, 2008) (Ref. 1). The following chart gives the electric car growth estimate by region. (Reed, 2010) (R ef 22) To make things easier for the car manufacturers as well as the potential buyers, the UK Government is very keen on supporting the segment through their subsidy programme and other policies. The government has planned to provide subsidy of up to ?5000 to those who acquire an electric car in future. (House of Commons, Page 40) (Ref. 2) But when it comes to the sales of electric cars, government support is not the only factor that works out. The practicality of the car is the most important success

Sunday, October 6, 2019

The Strategic Management of Economy Hotel in China Essay

The Strategic Management of Economy Hotel in China - Essay Example Presentation and analysis of research methods 45 3.2.1 Research Strategy 45 3.2.2 Research Philosophy 46 3.2.3 Data collection 47 3.2.4 Research Sampling 50 3.2.5 Data analysis 51 3.2.6 Ethical considerations 53 3.2.7 Limitations of Research 54 Chapter 4: Findings and Discussion 55 4.1 Introduction 55 4.2 Demographic Findings: Home Inns 55 4.3 Survey Questionnaire Findings: Homes Inn 58 4.3.1 Role of External Factors 58 4.3.2 Role of Internal Factors 59 4.3.3.Ability to Cater Organizational Mission 59 4.3.4 Achieving Objectives 59 4.3.5 Strategy Consultation 59 4.3.6 Compliance 60 4.3.7 Feedback 60 4.3.8 Training and Development 61 4.3.9 Daily Briefings 61 4.3.10 Project Reports 61 4.4 Descriptive Statistics: Homes Inn 62 4.5 Interview Analysis: Homes Inn 64 4.5.1 Influence of External Factors on Strategic Management 64 4.5.2 Influence of Internal Factors on Strategic Management 64 4.5.3 Homes Inn’s Mission 65 4.5.4 Homes Inn’s Objectives 65 4.5.5 Strategy Development P rocess 66 4.5.6 Policy Structure and its Stakeholders 66 4.5.7 Training and Development Programs Offered to the Employees 67 4.5.8 Homes Inn’s Organizational Structure 67 4.5.9 Budgeting and Costing of Strategy Development and Implication 68 4.5.10 Implementation of Strategic Plan 68 4.5.11 Performance Evaluation Systems 68 4.5.12 Issue Identification Mechanism 69 4.5.13 Feedback Mechanism 69 4.6 Demographic Finding: China Lodging Group 69 4.7 Survey Questionnaire Findings: China Lodging Group 72 4.7.1 Role of External Factors 72 4.7.2 Role of External Factors 73 4.7.3 Ability to Cater Organizational Mission 73 4.7.4 Achieving Objectives 73 4.7.5 Strategy Consultation 74 4.7.6 Compliance 74 4.7.7 Feedback 74 4.7.8 Training and Development 75 4.7.9 Daily Briefings 75 4.7.10 Project Reports 75 4.8... This research will begin with the statement that it is the beauty of a country’s development and growth, that it provides enormous opportunities to the businesses within national borders to expand the size of their business. In addition, new businesses also come into existence which speeds up the process of developmental efforts. At one hand, manufacturing industry experiences the best time in its business life cycle, on the other hand, provides the services sector to put efforts on research and development. By doing this, service sector ensures that it delivers state of the art services which cannot be matched by the competitors. For this purpose, strategic management and its utilization for developing unique and value adding service structures become important. When a country is in growing stage, the most beneficial and profitable sector is considered to be the hospitality and food industry. This is because, with growth and development, a country receives a large number of f oreign tourists and delegates, who are visiting the country for business or pleasure. In addition, tourists and business travelers also travel from one city to another, which increases the requirement for accommodation and food facilities. China is considered as one of the biggest country of the world, population wise, and is the most speedily developing country of the world. China provides enormous opportunities to investors for making beneficial investments in the businesses. On the other hand, China has natural sights that attract millions of tourists each year.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Colombia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Colombia - Essay Example Colombia is already the 21st largest market for the export activities for the U.S. And now since the approval of U.S.-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement by the President of United States Of America, Barack Obama, it is most certain that the existing trading opportunities will increase even more significantly. This agreement ensures that the U.S. interests will be protected while upholding the rule of law in Colombia. Colombia is a very risk adverse country, thus while it will feel no threat to its legal structure and culture, it will help reduce the trade barriers, creating a more stable environment that will lead to cheaper and easier export of products and services for the U.S. traders. According to the statistics stated by, the U.S. international Trade Commission is forecasting an increase of U.S. GDP by nearly $2.5 billion and U.S. merchandise exports by almost $1.1 billion, because of the probable elimination of tariffs and related encumbrances in Colombia. According to an estimate almost 80% of the export of consumer and industrial products will become duty free and the remaining tariffs will be distributed over a period of 10 years. Especially after the estimated cost of duties of $70 million, from 2008 to 2010, these reductions of charges will significantly lower our costs of trading thus guaranteeing that our products will be distributed on a more cost effective basis and in this way we can focus on a larger distribution plan for our chocolate products in Colombia’s market base. Colombia has signed agreements with EU in 2008 along with many other countries, some of which include Canada, Chile, El Salvador, Mexico and Guatemala. So after the implementation of its agreement, the exporters of EU are expected to enjoy a benefit of 4.1% average tariff over the U.S. exporters, but if the U.S. Colombia TPA is brought into action at the same time it will give us an advantage of 1.7% tariff over the EU. So it’s clear that as soon as the se policies are implemented, we will have an advantage over other potential global competitors in the form of cost effectiveness, this way we will be able to focus on our distribution and marketing plans rather than fretting over our unavoidable costs relating to our export. Custom procedures have also been simplified except the fact that the imports are kept in holding for sometime before released, consequentially we will have to make sure that our products are able to survive without refrigerators for a few days Colombia has a population of 45 million. Its largest cities are Bogota D.C. Medellin, Cali, Barranquilla and Cartagena. So we will be focusing on them initially. It has two legislative houses: Senate and the House of Representatives. The president, who is elected only for a single term of four years, is both the chief of state and the head of government. So while we are there we will have to follow the policies accordingly so as to not jeopardize our relations with the gov ernment. The main language of the country is Spanish. Many business people have the understanding of English language but as it is not that widely understood or spoken so we will have to make sure that the labels of our chocolate products read in Spanish. 95% of the population is Roman Catholic but freedom of religion is guaranteed. The people are highly ambitious and status oriented. But the culture as a whole is yet collectivist rather than individualistic. People are very loyal to their own communities or groups and highly competitive towards other social classes. And the more they are tied to highly stabilized and influential corporative groups, as a reward to their performance, the more favors and benefits they can derive from the community. Socially,