Friday, February 28, 2020

Representation and Exploration of Gender Roles in Comrades, Almost a Term Paper - 1

Representation and Exploration of Gender Roles in Comrades, Almost a Love Story and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Films - Term Paper Example Compared to the early styles of Chinese filmmaking the issues of depiction, especially reflection of depicting gender roles in films have undergone a drastic change. Films like Comrades, Almost a Love Story, and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon are brilliant examples that not only reflect the impact of modernist trends in the art of filmmaking but also provided considerable focus on gender roles, contending the traditional approach. The films, Comrades, Almost a Love Story, and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, though have dealt with a different storyline, thematic approaches and cultural situation, however, the role of women as reflected in both these films, can be regarded as a brave shift from the traditional approaches. In each of the films, women have played interesting as well as equally commanding parts compared to their male counterparts in the context of developing storylines. The film, Comrades, Almost a Love Story while provides a sufficient reflection over development of Chin a in terms of modernism and neo-Marxian perspective and consequently provides a detailed impression of the contemporary socio-political and economic situation of the nation and how the characters, especially women are responding to such metamorphosis, on the other hand, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon develops its thematic approach over socio-cultural situation of early 18th century China. While Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon can be regarded as a sincere attempt to reinterpret the 18th century social history of China according to the principles of modernist context, however, special emphasis on roles of women as emergence of â€Å"women warriors† can definitely be regarded as a bold initiative that emphasizes the theme of contending conventional refection of gender roles in films in terms of radical modernism.  

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Educational Philosophy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Educational Philosophy - Research Paper Example In my opinion, this transformation requires a systematic and organized development of the individual’s cognitive abilities as reflected in the acquisition of knowledge and skills in a manner that is consistent with the needs of the individuals and the society. On this score, it might be argued that education provides the compass that determines the destiny of both man and society. According to some educational philosophers, the precise value of education could be seen in clearer light from the imagination of a life without it. A barbaric society that lacks any organized system of education will ultimately push itself on the precipice of extinction. I think this is because such a society will lack an organized system that supplies and controls the development of knowledge and skills necessary for its own survival. The knowledge and skills that are supplied, developed, and organized within the profession of education are resourceful in management of the economic, social, and pol itical systems of the society. In this sense, it might be emphasized that the entire welfare of the society hinges on the profession of education (Matthews, 2005). In my consideration, this point brings out the utilitarian aspect of education as understood within the framework of skills and knowledge development. It lies within the profession of education to harness, organize, and disseminate knowledge and skills that are necessary for the general survival and progress of the society. Education does not occur in a spontaneous manner. It grows in sequence and in a longitudinal order, which entails the aspect of progress. It is also important to consider the value of education in terms of the combined effects of its impacts on the various disciplines that form the block of knowledge. An important consideration of the value of the education profession lies in the training of teachers. Teachers are the backbones that determine the manner in which knowledge and skills are developed and d isseminated to the general society. My approach to my learners would be consistent with the philosophy that knowledge is a participatory process. In line with this philosophy, I would seek ways that would harmonize relationships between my learners and me. I would wish to be regarded more as a partner in the learning process rather than an authoritative instructor. The classroom should not be a space for the transfer of authority from the teacher to the student but rather a conducive atmosphere that allows for the free flow of information from various sources (Hille, 2011; Marca, 2010). I would adopt an easy and relaxed approach, which would encourage the students to participate freely in the learning process. My goal would be to develop confidence in my students. Only by gaining their confidence will it be easy to condition their minds into the freedom of thought that is necessary in the general process of knowledge development. Studies have established that the development of the cognitive abilities of the students is largely dependent on the kind of learning atmosphere. The studies have argued that the creation of an appropriate mental atmosphere lies with the teacher. In the course of learning, teachers should strive to create atmospheres that the kind of environment that fosters the flourishing of interpersonal communication. This kind of communication should take place between the learners and the teacher and amongst the students. Studies